Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Club Championship weekend

This weekend is my clubs championship. Working on the short game alot this week in preparation.

Monday, September 7, 2009

This Lego Engine is really slick.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

This is one of the Presidents advisors.... is this the same America you learned about in school?

Communist like Van Jones are advising the President on policy. I for one do not like the change that is being shoved down our throats.

*** New information on another dark cloud on the horizon.***

Link to Anti-Business OSHA nominee.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

John McCain your killing America

John stop! American's don't want the Government to manage their healthcare. Are you watching TV, listening to the radio, reading blogs? :) Don't go a cross the isle to work with the fascist unless you plan to stay there.

I want police protection, fire department services, and if I must DMV services. What I don't want is the government in the room with my doctor and I. I also don't want the worlds largest ponzi scheme to continue. What Congress has been doing slowly for a long time and very rapidly in the last 3 years is moving our country away from free markets and moving towards Fascism. We as Americans need to put a stop to this. Attend the rally's, call or email your elected officials and tell we are watching and it is time to stop.

One little line I would like to recite to the people looking for a safety net also known as the entitlement class. It is the last line of the Star Spangled Banner.

"Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!"

Thursday, August 13, 2009

So is this the change you can believe in?

I disagree with the current administrations use of our tax money. I also cannot stand the idea of “Cap and Trade” which is nothing more than an additional tax on producers to give to the moochers. The current Obama healthcare proposal is nothing more than a fascist, Marxist or communistic power grab.

Facts: The insurance industries average net profit 3.8%.
Facts: Healthcare Industry Net Profit Margins are only 1.5% to 4.5%
Where is the so call greed?

You want healthcare reform. Tort reform so Doctors don’t have to charge as much to cover out of control liability insurance. Remove government intervention and open medical insurance so that there is true free market competition. Right now state governments mandate what coverage options you as resident of the state get to choose from. How about if all companies offered insurance options from any state to any person. Government currently give companies / corporations tax credits for offering insurance to create group plans to control citizens. How about we remove the credits to business and give them to all citizens so that we can spend our own money selecting what we want.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Just hit 41..

Wow another year by… seems just like yesterday I was leaving home with the world by the horns. :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hole In One!!!!

Played in July 4th Red White & Blue tournament. 6 Holes from each tee box. Hole # 6 had a front pin placement and a forward tee so it was playing about 153 from the white tee markers. Played an eight iron. It was a good swing and a decent looking flight. One of the guys in the group said good looking shot. I remarked as I was walking away from tee shot that I should have a kick in birdie putt. The green is protected by a bunker with hill behind on the front. It has large hills on the right side and the entire left of the hole is hazard wetland area. So we couldn't see the ball land. We ride up to the green and only see 3 balls. My partner in the 4ball tourney gets excited and starts yelling its in the hole! I walked up and there it was in the bottom of the cup!

Other great news as a side note. I also shot a 79! My new low for 18 holes. Had a 37 on the front what is my new low for 9 holes. Great day!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Low Round! Shot 81

Walked 18 holes with the heat index near the 110* mark yesterday. Shot an 81 from the blues (72.7 / 140). My best round yet. I had 2 bad swings all day one which was a 200 yard approach shot into the 12th green into the wind did not go so well for me and ended up OB by a foot. Putting really hurt as I had 5 birdie putts that I did not get to the hole but number six on 18 did go in.