Tuesday, September 20, 2016

FDHS Lady Patriots Girls Golf season has started.

Cece is back on the team again this year.  Been fighting the weather with pop up showers and thunder storms causing interruptions.

Team is working hard at another good run in the State Championships.

The first head to head match Cece is low medalist for a nine hole match versus Berkley HS.

This is from Woodside Plantation in Aiken SC.  Hole #7 she is preparing to read the green for her long putt.  September 14th 2016.

Here is an approach shot at Woodside.

Here is a putt for 80 on 18 at Windermere.  She misses unfortunately.  September 17th 2016.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I haven't updated the main page in a while.

Cece's has been playing a bunch of golf.

Did OK in quite a few tourneys and not so in some others.  She has been to the edge but hasn't broken through to the 70's.  She is so close.

HS golf season is back in and I have been helping coach the team.

Busy with work and need to be visiting family more.